Friday, May 25, 2007


amazing how true
amazingly blue..

each time i love you
a war breaks

each time i miss you
a bomb shakes

last time i hugged you
a country burned

last time i kissed you
the world was turned

amazingly true
amazing how blue...

it seems no matter how Heaven is close
it seems, no matter... Hell will be as close


Anonymous said...


shrrr said...

each time i fart, islami terrorists put a bomb in there ass

Laila K said...

tell me about it..

fady stefan said...

binsahak tkhaffif 2alla yridd 3annak...
inta mabsout .. w nahna 3am nikila

_z. said...

That's beautiful! I so identify with what you are saying man!

wel telteh sebteh (for me ye3ne)