Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Life must end now!


God who created the universe in 7 days

is required, today,

to end it all in 1 day.

please, urgently.



s a m o t h . said...

failed to fail the next failure?

Najee said...

you know what failed?
noah's flood

and i am actually
waiting for the next one.

better buy yourself a swimsuit

it's gonna be wet

and am sure of that!!

_z. said...

Noah's flood did not fail. it destroyed everything except a few. If you are playing the nihilist game and you wished that everything would have been destroyed, you shouldn't ask samoth to buy a swimsuit... since with the next sure flood, he will be destroyed... unless you are certain that the next flood will also be a failure... and life as we know it, will not cease to exist.

Najee said...

well, the way things are going now,
we might not need Noah even
we are doing a good job
destroying life anyhow..
and as for the swimsuit,
he will need it bothways

this much water in a pair of jeans..

Anonymous said...

"God left this place a long time ago" (from Blood Diamond).