Tuesday, December 04, 2007

a matter of time, that matters...

Bonaparte would probably never remember all of his won battles

but he surely, would never forget Waterloo.. no?

When will you ever step out of my mind,

dear Waterloo of my heart?



Anonymous said...

Cher Napoleon,
Unfortunately, conquerors are never trained to accept defeat. The sweet taste of triumph cannot wipe away the bitter feeling of a loss. And how can you forget something that took you by surprise?
Vanity…. My favorite sin! Didn’t you know every Samson has his own Delilah?
Il fallait t’apprendre d’ĂȘtre amant sans ĂȘtre fou d’amour,
Pourque tu recois Triomphe et Defaite d’un meme front....

Tu oublieras Waterloo, quand tu te rappeleras de tout ce que tu as deja acqueris!

Najee said...

Dear Wife of he,

Unfortunately you are right

Waterloo did happen
and it happened for a reason

unlike your husband,
i love defeats as much as i enjoy
what i have acquired

and for that matter,
i will always remember both.



Anonymous said...

It just doesn't make any sense. If you are enjoying defeats, such as Waterloo, then why you are wondering when will it step out of your mind?

Najee said...

Sense is not the only momentum driving Humanity...

isn't it so? my dear anonymous?
or am i talking Non Sense?